Camping site, camping

As part of the fee for your stay, we offer:

  • access to toilet,
  • shower
  • access to water
  • possibility of grey water discharge
  • possibility of cassette discharge
  • access to kitchenette

Access to electricity is additionally payable according to the current price list and is limited due to the low power of our connection.

The day on the field begins on the day of arrival – at any time and ends the next day at 3:00 p.m.

We invite you with children, who will have plenty of space on our field as well as on the nearby sandy beach.

We invite you to use our water equipment rental.

It is also no problem to come with your pet.

You can arrive at any time.
If there is no service or you are sleeping, please set up on the selected plot without disturbing the current guests.
The receptionist will come to you to settle the bill for your stay.


In our field, the night silence is strictly observed between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
People who break the silence are asked to leave, and if necessary, the police are called.

People who like to abuse alcohol, howl at night, listen to loud music, definitely won’t find their place here.

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